The Northwest Resource Benefits Alliance (RBA)
Formed in 2014, the RBA is a regional association consisting of 21 local governments, including three regional districts (North Coast, Bulkley-Nechako, Kitimat-Stikine) and their 18 member municipalities.
RBA’s Mission
Since 2015, the RBA has engaged the BC government to discuss the region’s challenges in raising the revenues required to build the necessary community infrastructure to support resource development and the social infrastructure required to ensure that Northwest communities are places where industries, businesses, workers, and their families can thrive.
RBA’s Request
Members of the RBA are seeking Provincial commitment to:
- Recognize the role that Northwest BC has in the provincial economy.
- Provide long-term, sustainable funding for capital projects and operating costs to address local infrastructure and servicing needs in Northwest BC.
- That the Province continue to invest in supporting infrastructure outside of the local government purview, including housing, health care, childcare and education.

Operating Structure
Northwest BC RBA
- 21 local governments
- 40+ elected officials
Role: Signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and final decision making
RBA Steering Committee
- 1 elected official representing each regional district
- Mayor Herb Pond, City of Prince Rupert, North Coast Regional District (NCRD)
- Mayor Sean Bujtas, City of Terrace, Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (RDKS)
- Mayor Gladys Atrill, Town of Smithers, Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN)
- CAOs from each regional district
- Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Daniel Fish, North Coast Regional District (NCRD)
- Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Lina Gasser, Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (RDKS)
- Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Curtis Helgesen, Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN)
Role: Provide working direction
Negotiating Team
- Ron Poole, RBA Management Consultant
- Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Daniel Fish, North Coast Regional District (NCRD)
- Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Lina Gasser, Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (RDKS)
- Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Curtis Helgesen, Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN)
Role: Negotiate with provincial government
RBA Project Management Team
- Ron Poole, RBA Management Consultant
- Lori Stark, Executive Assistant
Role: Project administration for the RBA
CAO Advisory Group
- CAOs from each member local government
Role: Provide advice and support project implementation
Where are we now?
Following the 2017 provincial election, the RBA successfully engaged the province to begin negotiating a new funding agreement. This process is currently underway based on a strong commitment from the Premier.
The provincial government has provided $300,000 in funding to be used, in part, to enable the RBA to work closely with stakeholders, including project proponents, labour, First Nations, local businesses and the social services sector.
The RBA and the provincial government share a vision of economic development that creates sustainable communities and good local jobs. It is the RBA’s intention that when a funding deal is reached with the province, it will help achieve the objective of creating sustainable communities that will be able to support economic activity in the Northwest now and into the future.
RBA Key Event Timeline

May 2013
Premier Christy Clark promised the NWBC revenue sharing negotiations during the 2013 provincial election.

September 2014
RBA meets Premier, Minister Oakes and Minister Coleman at UBCM, they reaffirm commitment and advise ready to negotiate.

January 2015
RBA meets with Premier's Chief of Staff, BC government commits to interest-based negotiations.

April 2015
Provincial government rejects commencement of revenue sharing and capacity funding, stating negotiations premature.

May-June 2015
RBA Chairs send letter to the Premier urgently requesting meeting, Premier states Minister Oakes would follow up.

June 2015
The RBA expands to include the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako and the North Coast Regional District.

September 2015
Meeting with Minister Fassbender at UBCM to ask provincial government to honour January 2015 commitment to start negotiations.

December 2015 - March 2017
RBA and Ministry continue exchanges over an extended period of time.

April 2017
Province continues to defer negotiations, no revenue sharing agreement in place.

April 28, 2017
RBA issues news release: New poll results find Northwest B.C. residents want a revenue sharing agreement. Read more

May 1, 2017
Follow-up letter sent to party leaders requesting promise and confirmation response that negotiations will begin no later than September 9, 2017.

May 17, 2017
RBA issues formal statement: Statement: RBA Invites Newly Elected MLAs to Work Together.

August 14, 2017
RBA issues news release: NDP Government Reaffirms Commitment to Revenue Sharing for Northwest BC. Read more

September 29, 2017
RBA Leaders meet with Premier Horgan to start revenue sharing agreement discussions.

February 16, 2019
The provincial government announces $100-million Northern Capital and Planning Grant to reinvest back into the Northwest.

September 2019
Premier Horgan presented with the Sustainability and Liveability Study Executive Summary at UBCM in Vancouver.

September 2019
Premier Horgan supports the RBA in reaching an agreement “that will stand the test of time.” He expresses this view in his closing speech at UBCM. Read more

March 2020
The COVID 19 hits and the RBA initiative experiences a slowdown as the Province focuses on the pandemic.

October 2021
Minister Osborne establishes regular meetings with the RBA Steering Committee.

February 2022
New Minister of Municipal Affairs, Nathan Cullen, continues with regular meetings with the RBA.

February 2023
Terms of Reference and Work Plan are approved by Minister Kang and the RBA. The staff working group focuses on producing a final report for presentation to both parties at UBCM.

September 2023
The RBA meets with the Premier, Ministers Kang and Cullen and MLA Rice at UBCM.